I think that fact that we're using AI to write emails because we find it hard and AI to summarise emails because we can't be bothered to read them suggests that we should take a look at how we communicate rather than boiling the oceans to have LLMs hallucinate at each other on our behalf.
„Na každého obyvatele hlavního města, včetně 220 000 dětí do 14 let, 250 000 seniorů nad 65 let, 35 procent pražských domácností bez jediného auta a 65 procent pražských domácností s 1,2 autem, tak připadá jen ve veřejném prostoru, bez garáží a soukromých stání u rodinných domů, 0,73 parkovacího místa – devět metrů prostoru.“ https://zdopravy.cz/praha-ma-1-017-457-parkovacich-mist-spocital-architekt-o-moc-vice-jich-uz-nevznikne-223927/ #links
Posted without further comment 🔻
✍️ Podepište petici za strategicky vedenou, efektivní a udržitelnou digitalizaci státní správy ➡️ https://portal.gov.cz/e-petice/882-vyzva-za-strategicky-pristup-k-digitalizaci-kvalita-flexibilita-a-udrzitelnost-ve-statnich-projektech
Digitální transformace je nutná pro konkurenceschopnost Česka a lepší život nás všech. I přes současnou situaci by proto měla zůstat politickou prioritou.
Today marks the end of 142 years of the UK relying on coal to generate electricity. The birthplace of coal power is now the first major economy to give it up. Here's to a greener, cleaner future. #NetZero #ClimateCrisis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5y35qz73n8o
Zase jako - kdo jiní bi si mněl poraďid z hozeňím přez palubu líp neš pirát?
Fellow #Mastodonians! Do you have any pixel and low poly artists that You follow on Mastodon and wanted to share their accounts here? I'd love to find more people doing retro stuff that I could follow and get inspired!
My 5 favourite accounts here are:
#Share #Follow #PixelArt #PixelArtist #LowPoly #LowPolyArt #3D #MastodonArtist #Mastodon #WorthFollowing #Art #GameArt #Retro #RetroGaming
I maintain an Android app that doesn't get any new features. I still have to keep upgrading it once in a while. The amount of deprecations I have to deal with is crazy. It takes a day each time I touch the app to just get it working with the latest Android Studio. I am not even fixing any bugs or adding features. All this running just to stay in the same place.
Now ask me if I will consider using cloud platform services from the same company that's responsible for Android.
Fuck RIGHT OFF that Nvidia are using `yt-dlp` to scrape for AI training while the rest of us got DMCAed or whatever.