a fedi.skladka.net user walks into a bar. the bartender says Na skládce se válí několik veřejných online služeb, včetně této Akkomy. I ty se můžeš na skládce válet!
(hint: click “open original page”)
I think I'm becoming utterly disillusioned on tech stuff lately. I'm hugely aware of the "you like stuff you grew up with" and "you have less patience for stuff as you age" biases, but even so...
Streaming is shit.
Searching is shit.
Researching is shit.
Shopping is shit.
Troubleshooting is shit.
My phone is shit. Autocorrect, touchscreen keyboards, Bluetooth, AI, Android Auto, Spotify, all shit.
It's not even capitalism or consumerism, I'm just tired of arguing and fighting with things I own.
Průměrné staří vozidel v ČR je 16 let. V roce 2035 bude konec výroby spalováků. V roce 2055 budu mít pár let do důchodu, případně už budu pod kytkama. V tu dobu budou v ČR stále jezdit spalováky. Já se té zelené budoucnosti bez výfukových plynů vlastně možná vůbec nedožiju. Ten Green deal je vlastně ještě dost měkký. https://www.cebia.cz/novinky/tiskove-zpravy/prumerne-stari-auta-v-cesku-uz-prekonalo-16-let-od-covidu-starne-vozovy-park-rychleji
Jeste me napadla jedna vec ke generacnimu stretu. Pokud vas sere nemoznost bydlet ve vlastnim, volte toho kdo bude mit ve volebnim programu stavbu alespon startovacich bytu a nepojede malou domu s developerama.
Nikdo takovej neni? Mozna je to tvoje prilezitost...
You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...
Kreative Suite
* Krita is your new design/painting app
* Kdenlive will give you video-editing powers
* glaxnimate adds 2D vector animations to you videos
* digiKam organises your collection images
* Inkscape - create sophisticated vector-graphic designs
* Scribus - layout like a pro
* GIMP - need we say more
* Blender - ditto
> It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.
this has nothing to do with microsoft recall! anybody you send stuff to can have it compromised. you message your high school friend, she gets caught at a protest, now cops have all that data
you can never control the data you give to somebody else, recall or not
Nesnáším podvody. Včera mi skončil #webhosting u #Wedos, který jsem vypověděl už dávno a jen doběhnul (nebyl jsem s jejich hostingem i komunikací spokojen). Když už taháte zákazníky za nos skrze podvodné e-maily typu "gratulujeme, vyhráli jste", dělejte to aspoň tak, aby to nebylo tak očividné.
Kdo chce, může ten kód použít.
#šmejdi #slevy
Publicly funded software has to be #FreeSoftware. While there are plenty of good reasons for this, many politicians don’t know about them yet.
This is where you can help! ✍️ Sign the open letter to give our message more weight!
Microsoft seem to be turning Windows into an AI hellscape, this might be the last straw for a lot of people and some of you might be considering Linux but making the jump can be hard especially in certain professional fields.
I am a professional sound designer, musician, and a game developer. I switched fully to Linux back in 2013 and have used Linux for those tasks completely since then. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about using Linux in those fields.
I finished this up! Here are the 10 Splatoon themed emojis, you can have them for totally free, the link just has a downloadable zip file for all of them :>
This is my first time trying to make something like this, I hope you like! #MastoArt #Splatoon3