Přiznám se, že udělat čistě prasáckou Hentai instanci s pravidlem Local Only na H content a drobným příspěvkem na provoz serveru mi nepříjde jako úplně debilní nápad.
#PixelArt ✨ Wallpaper Pack for Android & iOS
Koukám, že rozhlas už má vlastní instanci https://mastodon.rozhlas.cz/about 👍 👏 .
#ffcz např. pro @jancibulka
I find #ChatGPT generally quite good at generating simple custom scripts. So, for example, I just tried:
Create a Python script that prints a beautiful progress bar and fills it up to 100% within a few seconds.
Now make it red up to 25%, yellow up to 75%, and green for the remainder.
The resulting script worked flawlessly.
I tried making a Tetris variant and got to the "falling block" stage, at which point the script became too large for it to analyze/revise as a whole.
Přihlas se k myšlence https://www.cesko.digital a šiř poselství komunity!
Je tu první kolekce Merch•Digital 🎉.
Ekologické materiály, český design, blok od lidí se znevýhodněním nebo mikina s veganským certifikátem.
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The only things on this map are railroads!
To admin of instances that want to implement the translation feature with #Mastodon 4. You can use our translation server at https://translate.fedilab.app
It currently does not need an api authentication. Please, reach us before using it. If one day we have to use api restrictions we will offer API keys to people that asked. Thank you.
In celebration of @thegameawards and Steam Deck being in stock, we're giving away one 512GB Steam Deck per minute of the broadcast on Dec 8th!
Learn more and register for the giveaway here: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/thegameawardssteamdeckdrop2022
(everyone gets a Steam Pal sticker)