Can you recommend me a good open (can be payed) #calendar app for #android?
I synchronize tasks and calendars from #NextCloud using #DAVx5.
I successfully replaced GTasks with app, GKeep with NextCloud Notes but still looking for a good calendar app.
🗓️ 🙏
@stepan Ja pouzivam Hey a jsem nadseny (email dlouho, kalendar od vydani)
Zatim neni OS, ale 37signals rozjizdeji koncept post-saas nastroju v OS forme:
Campfire byl uspech, tak se da predpokladat, ze kalendar to ceka take.
@mwenisch To je obecně služba poskytující mailserver a kalendář ne? Já si mail a kalendář hostuju na svém (NextCloud+MailCow) a s tím jsem jakž takž spokojen.
Řeším jen aplikaci v telefonu kterou si již synchronizované události zobrazím.
@jcrabapple Etar's notification handling seems to be completely broken - too early, too late, duplicated, but rarely just in time.
I switched to Simple Calendar (now Fossify) and it just does what it should.
@eliasp @jcrabapple Etar kind of works for me now, but I was curious if there is something more feature rich. For example can fosify calednar also show tasks in the calednar? I remeber seeing it in the menu, but no tasks from DAVx5 were shown in the calendar.
@stepan Já používám Simple calendar z Fdroidu. Je myslím v pohodě a od stejného vývojáře, používám i Simple Gallery
@archos @stepan Doporučuju přestat používat Simple Mobile Tools: Ty verze z F-Droidu jsou sice safe (jsou to ty poslední bez reklam), ale už tam nebudou vycházet další. Aktuálně na to navazuje Fossify:
@pvagner @jtx Yes, I used it for a while, but suits me better
@bogo Thanks. Yeah I ended up using Etar too, but it's quite basic in features.
@stepan but you can hack it :) What functionality you are looking for? Maybe something web-based who works well on devices?
@bogo I liked what aCalendar does:
- shows weather frocast
- tasks integration
- better contact birthday display
Sadly it's week layout doesn't suit me - i need to see events placed on a timeline and see time spaces between them...
My result: I ended up using aCalendar+ as it is really feature rich.
- it nicely works with contact birthdays
- it nicely shows weather forcast for the day
- it shows tasks in the due time