So to improve my French I follow a bunch of French language subreddits, and... in this one for questions posed to women, one of the top male body parts women say they're attracted to is... hands?
Is this a French thing? I'm gonna start being self-conscious about my hands when I talk to French women from now on.
@ZachWeinersmith Not that I know of. It seems very much something that one person would like.
It is not what I look at.
@ZachWeinersmith Italian here.
Hands, forearms, shoulders.
Arms are s e x y !
@ZachWeinersmith It's usually the number 1 response every year, it also comes up in movies and dramas...
@lana It's interesting! I really don't know what you'd want to see in a hand. Like, I can visualize a sexy male forearm but what's a sexy hand? Fine piano fingers? Large rough hands? Big? Small?