Nesnáším podvody. Včera mi skončil #webhosting u #Wedos, který jsem vypověděl už dávno a jen doběhnul (nebyl jsem s jejich hostingem i komunikací spokojen). Když už taháte zákazníky za nos skrze podvodné e-maily typu "gratulujeme, vyhráli jste", dělejte to aspoň tak, aby to nebylo tak očividné.
Kdo chce, může ten kód použít.
#šmejdi #slevy
Publicly funded software has to be #FreeSoftware. While there are plenty of good reasons for this, many politicians don’t know about them yet.
This is where you can help! ✍️ Sign the open letter to give our message more weight!
Microsoft seem to be turning Windows into an AI hellscape, this might be the last straw for a lot of people and some of you might be considering Linux but making the jump can be hard especially in certain professional fields.
I am a professional sound designer, musician, and a game developer. I switched fully to Linux back in 2013 and have used Linux for those tasks completely since then. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about using Linux in those fields.
I finished this up! Here are the 10 Splatoon themed emojis, you can have them for totally free, the link just has a downloadable zip file for all of them :>
This is my first time trying to make something like this, I hope you like! #MastoArt #Splatoon3
The bald eagle could have easily gone extinct. But we did all sorts of "woke" things protecting it legally, ran conservation and study programs, banned DDT (that was good for other reasons too) and in 2007 they were removed from the endangered species list.
Likewise pine forests could be dead from acid rain.
The ozone could have a huge hole.
We CAN take care of nature when we want to. And the successes have been worth it.
I feel like we forget this, you know?
The system is working *exactly* as intended...
Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”
VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”
Stack Overflow: It’s perfectly OK to do something that’s technically allowed even if it makes people angry. People: *Start deleting or editing their answers to express their stance on OpenAI.* Stack Overflow: Not like that!
Výzkumy ukazují, že když vybíráme lídra, obvykle nevolíme toho, kdo je ve vedení lidí nejschopnější. Často nominujeme toho, kdo je nejhlasitější. Říká se tomu „efekt žvanila“.
Díky němu si pleteme sebedůvěru s kompetencí, suverénní jistotu s důvěryhodností a kvantitu s kvalitou. Skončíme tak v pasti: následujeme lidi, co umí ovládnout debatu, místo aby zvyšovali její úroveň.