MojeID nově podporuje klíče Yubico
China: “Remove all VPNs”
Apple: “Sure thing”
China: “…and podcast apps”
Apple: “Can do boss!”
China: “…and also hand over all iCloud data for our citizens”
Apple: “I mean why wouldn’t we? Here you go!”
EU: “Allow alternate app stores, and do it fairly”
Apple: “Ahhh hell no! This is so unfair you guys are bullies! Malware! Privacy! We have standards! Unlike you we care about our users!”
Odinstalujte vše, co máte od původních Simple Mobiles - kalendář, galerii, budík, kontakty...
To si takhle Izraelci koupili od Slováka firmu a aplikace vybavili reklamou a trackery.
Takže znovu, vše odinstalovat a najít alternativu, nejlépe na @fdroidorg.
Smutné čtení zde:
Důkaz zde:
Odemykáme vám další zápisky solárníka. Tentokrát se věnují tipům, jak předejít zklamání z domácí #fotovoltaika.
It's been 21 years and 29 days since Tor Books published my first novel, *Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom*. In the years since, Tor has published every one of my novels, sending me around the USA and Canada to talk about them. Now, they've teamed up with @humblebundles to sell 18 of my ebooks on a name-your-price basis, with part of the proceeds going to benefit @eff:
I released a new synthwave/chiptune influenced album this week and today is Bandcamp friday... so if you've thought of picking it up, now is a very good time... *wink wink, nudge nudge*.
There's an aesthetic that comes with the cyberpunk thing. However, I don't think anyone ACTUALLY wants to live there.
Let's be real, that's a future a lot of us are actively fighting against.
When I was a kid I thought the future was flying cars, now I think the future should be ethically built bicycles. Solar panels and compressed air batteries. High speed rail so good it puts commercial airlines out of business.
We have all these tools already, we've just made a decision not to use them.
Některá překvapivá fakta z fyziky:
1. Gravitace se šíří rychlostí světla.
2. Čas se zastavuje při rychlosti světla a uvnitř černých děr.
3. 96 % vesmíru tvoří něco, čemu nerozumíme.
4. Atom je z 99,9999999999996 % prázdný prostor.
5. Protože se elektrony odpuzují, nikdy se ničeho nedotknou.
6. Světlo se ohýbá za přítomnosti gravitace.
7. Minulost, přítomnost a budoucnost je jen iluze. Čas je relativní.
8. Pozorování může ovlivnit realitu (podle kvantové fyziky).
i think the EU should pass legislation that enforces standards based 2factor auth (like totp/hotp) for banks, health insurance etc. it is absolutely unacceptable that people are _forced_ to buy android/ios smartphones to use critical services
A must-read article about inefficiency of modern #software
"I’ve been programming for 15 years now. Recently, our industry’s lack of care for efficiency, simplicity, and excellence started really getting to me, to the point of me getting depressed by my own career and IT in general."
#IT #endtimes #programming #webdev
Může mi někdo vysvětlit proč normy ČSN:
- nejsou zdarma, když jsou závazný,
- vyžadujou pro otevření Adobe Acrobat, nejhorší PDF prohlížeč na světě,
- neobsahujou změny a opravy a člověk si je musí projít v samostatnejch souborech?
To je fakt k vzteku.
Heya! 👻 I'm working on a horror game called Devil's Hideout.
Wishlist on Steam & play the demo 👇
#ScreenshotSaturday #Horror #HorrorGames #retrogaming #retro #adventuregame #indiegame #indiedev #pixelart #pointandclick #gamedev #indiegamedev