"Why programmers like cooking: You peel the carrot, you chop the carrot, you put the carrot in the stew. You don’t suddenly find out that your peeler is several versions behind and they dropped support for carrots in 4.3" -- Randall Koutnik
A German court has just declared a "Do Not Track" #DNT signal from your browser as legally binding, pursuant to Article 21(5) #GDPR. https://www.vzbv.de/urteile/gericht-untersagt-datenschutzverstoesse-von-linkedin
"The outside world must walk Israel back from the abyss. It cannot be part of the choir of incitement"
Sorry to give air to the transphobic Irish Times but this article by Daniel Levy and Zaha Hassan eloquently and humanely describes the situation.
Link via @psilocervine on Cohost: Some investigative journalism inside Unity's road to briefly introducing a company-destroying "install fees" policy last month.
The most interesting takeaway here is the whole disaster really was just IronSource, who merged with Unity last year, puppeting the company into destroying IronSource's competitor AppLovin at all costs. An entire art form is a pawn to be sacrificed in a fight between two adtech companies you've never heard of
❓ Do you use a RSS/Atom/Feed reader and how often?
example of RSS readers: Tiny Tiny RSS, FreshRSS, Feedly...
Please boost to reach a lot of people :)
#rss #atom #feed #feeddirectory
The wealth distribution is so much worse now. #NoBillionaires
Our inability to prevent all harm does not free us of our obligation to prevent what harm we can. -- Ari Marmell, @Mouseferatu
I'm currently working on a software synthetiser, aimed at making 8bit sounds. Here is a small demo of what I have so far !
The final goal is to have a library that can play custom songs in realtime and that can be embeded in games. Sequenced music take way less space than recorded music, and makes it easy to add runtime effects, swap tracks and more.
if I had to summarise the last decade of software (web, desktop, and mobile) design using a line from a song, it'd be this one from System of a Down's "Boom!":
> manufacturing consent is the name of the game; the bottom line is money, nobody gives a fuck
A poem by Joseph Fasano. Prepare your heart before reading.
„Všechna náboženství, umění a vědy jsou větvemi téhož stromu. Všechny tyto snahy směřují ke zušlechtění lidského života, k jeho pozvednutí ze sféry pouhé fyzické existence a k vedení jedince ke svobodě. Není pouhou náhodou, že se naše starší univerzity vyvinuly z duchovních škol. Jak církve, tak univerzity - pokud odpovídají své skutečné funkci - slouží zušlechťování jednotlivce...“
-- A. Einstein, as mentioned in Out of My Later Years (1950)
📷 colorized by Jecinci
po delsi dobe jsem si zase kontroloval trh margarinu, konkretne tech ciste rostlinnych a bez konzervantu
v teto kategorii jsem vyzkousel nejaky cizokrajny (nazev jsem si bohuzel nezapamatoval), ktery byl drahy a hnusny
dale se v teto kategorii nove zabydlela #Rama, ale jak 40%, tak 60% varianta se ukazala byt bez chuti i zapachu, coz mi prislo az smutne
Flora Gold zustava neporazenym sampionem, ale ta cena je vedle masla asi pro malokoho ospravedlnitelna
kdybyste mel nekdo tipy, tak je uvitam