PSA: To avoid dooring or killing cyclists when you exit a vehicle, please consider adopting "the Dutch Reach," which is using your hand farthest from the door to open it. This forces you into a position that allows a better view of bicycles approaching from behind. And, of course, first look, *then* open door. Teach your kids, too. #cycling #safety #driving #cars #psa
Life is short. Use the fancy soaps or bath bombs you've been saving for a "special occasion". Drink the good bottle of wine. Burn the decorative candles. That special occasion is today. You made it through everything life has thrown at you and you're still here, god damn it. That's a good reason to celebrate.
Thirty years ago, we thought this only would happen when hell freezes over.
15 years later I spoke to Sam Ramj, then head of MS OSS labs, he told me it would take some time. I thought they were faster in Redmond. :-).
That was 2007. 16 years ago.
Here's the news:
Microsoft open sources MS-DOS. Repeat: The source code of MS-DOS is now #opensource
#msdos 1 and 2, that is. Well, it's a start.
(they handed over the code in 2013, the repo is 5 years old)
A friend of mine made this amazing animatic of White Pearl, Black Oceans by #sonataarctica . I feel lucky to be her friend.
She doesn't have Mastodon, but check out her on:
Show her lots of love and support, like she deserves!!!
"Rockstar just proved how important piracy is for game preservation"
Discovered by modder ‘Silent’, the Steam version of Midnight Club 2 is actually the version that the scene group “Razor 1911” cracked back in 2003. Let me repeat that. Rockstar was selling on Steam a cracked copy of its game.
Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap.
Our house is on fire, and here we are frantically running around trying to figure out how to make throwing buckets of water profitable.
Malá změna chování může prostřednictvím domino efektu vést k velké změně. Studie ukazuje, že tím malým krokem k lepšímu zdraví a pohodě by mohlo být zahradničení. To je spojeno se zlepšením životosprávy a snížením stresu.
Ti, kteří se začali věnovat zahradničení, zvýšili svou fyzickou aktivitu téměř o 45 minut týdně, začali jíst více ovoce a zeleniny (nárůst o 30 %), konzumovali více vlákniny a měli nižší hladinu stresu a úzkosti.
Zenová moudrost pro dnešek
Přísloví praví: "Datle nesklízí ti, kdo je sází". Datlová palma totiž začne rodit za 80-90 let.
Starý mnich jednou sázel datlovníky. Kolem šel mladý muž a zeptal se ho: "Proč sázíš datle, když víš, že z nich plodů neokusíš?"
I odpověděl mu s úsměvem starý mnich: "Polib mi prdel, mladej! Je to můj sad a můžu si v něm sázet, co chci!"
if you've ever enjoyed something made by an artist, writer, game designer, etc.
I encourage you to take some time out of your day to email them and let them know how you feel. It will absolutely brighten their day.
brb crying good tears at my inbox right now
I was the victim of an extremely clever card fraud/social engineering hack.
Well, partly a victim since I managed to stop it.
I was called by my bank, as they wanted to “verify some suspect transactions on my account”.
Then things got weird…
Do you need a URL shortener that doesn't track you? Look no further than
But seriously now, it's just something I made for fun. If you're on Mastodon you don't need something like this (Every URL you enter in a Mastodon post is already shortened), it's really just an over engineered go app I made in my free time.
Every URL is shortened to 22 characters (including the schema and the domain). There's virtually no ads or tracking to speak of. I don't even log access to the website.
Source code here:
License: GNU AGPLv3
V současném dění kolem kina Scala hezky vyplavala i jeho starší historie – v roce 2011 ho tehdejší primátor Onderka zavřel, protože se do Scaly nechodilo ( Převzala ji univerzita a během pár let se z ní stalo nejnavštěvovanější jednosálové kino v Česku. Těžko si při tom nevzpomenout třeba na rušení „nevyužívaných“ regionálních vlakových tratí. Strategie „zanedbat a zavřít“ je u nás evidentně velmi oblíbená, někteří politici jako kdyby ji chtěli aplikovat na celé Česko.
"Bicycle parking is not a problem. It is a fundamental part of the solution! No fuel in the world will change this basic law of physics! The key question: How many citizens, customers or visitors do you want to cater for in your scarce public space? —Parking at #Eindhoven Central Railway Station, NL"
submitted by u/Fietsprofessor