Time it takes for a hacker to brute force your password.
Good to know: Tutanota checks your password upon signup and makes sure it's strong enough. Secure your emails now: https://mail.tutanota.com/signup
Of course, we also support 2FA on all clients.
Stay secure! 😍
koukám, že výzkum v oblasti zpětné rekonstrukce vnímaného vizuálního obsahu dle dat z funkční magnetické rezonance (fMRI) už se zas o pěkný kus posunul.
čučte a nestačte se divit! ✨
(už se těším, jaký vliv to bude mít na psychologický výklad snů)
zdroj: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.18.517004v1.full.pdf
nejake vseobecne tipy na koupi siciho stroje? u nas tomu nikdo nerozumi a chteli bychom s tim s druzkou zacit
Even if he hadn’t written three of the most-loved #DoctorWho stories, Chris Boucher would be a legend for just this line:
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
RIP Chris 💙💙
Discover Pemmican, The Power Bar Invented Centuries Ago by Native American Tribes
Procento nejbohatších Čechů vlastní už skoro třetinu celkového bohatství země. Tahle metrika mně naskakuje, když slyším o neudržitelnosti veřejných financí a nutnosti šetřit (via @trnk_c).
Because I am a kind and generous (and bored) Pixie, I have made you some free header images. CC0, use as you wish :)
If you tell your friends about Mastodon, you’re technically an ambassador of the federation.
The trolley problem: your imagination versus the even sadder reality. (Just got this from a friend who also collects trolley problem variants.)