RT @travisakers@twitter.com
Pink Floyd updated their profile picture to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Dark Side of the Moon, and the replies are… something.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/travisakers/status/1616274690938638338
Vrcholní politici už nebudou smět vlastnit média ani přihrávat dotace a zakázky vlastním firmám, i kdyby byly ve svěřenských fondech. Klíčový výbor projednal návrh Jakuba Michálka http://dlvr.it/Sh7ZMC
Díky vám všem, kteří jste generála nevolili a teď mu dáte svůj hlas. Asi to pro vás nebude jednoduché. Tak o to víc.. Díky Vám za to, že nedopustíte, aby prezidentský úřad obsadil bezcharakterní lhář. Jděte do toho!
#cloudflare, the internet #privacy killer, has released the code for its #fediverse server compatible with mastodon: #wildebeest: https://github.com/cloudflare/wildebeest. The requirements for the server dispel any doubts as to why this software was created: "We are OF COURSE assuming that you have a Cloudflare account and have at least one zone using Cloudflare". Are you also thinking what I am thinking ? That if we get caught up in this, in a few years we may find that fediverse = cloudflare. #stopcloudflare
Komentář Ondřeje Chrásta: Autorský zákon se konečně dočkal důstojné podoby pro 21. století http://dlvr.it/Sgbjvr
Today, you can choose not to drive a Tesla if you don’t want Elon Musk, Inc. knowing everywhere you go.
Tomorrow, you might have to limit where you live because you won’t live in a Google Home and reconsider having 20/20 vision again in exchange for the artificial lens company seeing everything you see.
Privacy is not something you can “vote with your wallet” on. We either protect it as a human right or we lose it altogether.
From now on when I read or watch news pieces and pundit discussions about “the economy” I’ll think of this…